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un curs de limbă străină în Ploiești

10 Școli 0 Meditatori 19 Recenzii de la elevi

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Recenzii recente

Robert Radu
21 May 2021, 11:44

Since I came here I have learned a lot of things and I could take the PET test without any problems. The atmosphere in this place is amazing and the teachers are the best teachers in the world. I feel here like home. I love my teacher and this place.

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Constanta Rusinaru
24 Mar 2021, 10:29

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value If you want to get the best results in your exams and work with some of the best teachers, you have actually taken the perfect decision! Belle Languages was awarded by Cambridge Assessment English as "Best Language Centre In Romania in 2017" - "Best Cambridge University Press User"- category. Belle Languages has been working in partnership with the #BritishCouncil since 2013 Belle Languages was awarded the title of #InspiredSchool in august 2020 by Fischer International and "Dan Voiculescu" association. Belle Languages supports quality thorough Belle Languages Scholarship Programme Belle Languages has been member of the British Chamber aince 2016 and active member of the Education Group BELLE LANGUAGES prepares you for excellency ‼Still THINKING about what courses you could choose?‼ #BestResults #InspiredSchool #EnglishAwards #CambridgeExams #Ploiesti #ConstantaRusinaru #Toncea #Education #Educatie #BestLanguageCentre #teachers #teaching #BelleLanguagesIsGREAT #NumberOne #Number1 #Excelenta ##ExcelentaInEducatie #profesori #profesorilimbaengleza #limbaengleza #engleza #englezaploiesti #talentedteachers

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Geanina Vlasceanu
11 Feb 2021, 16:04

Positive: Communication, Professionalism Recomand! Am colaborat si inainte de pandemie si in pandemie, isi fac treaba foarte serios si comunicam foarte bine. Fetita mea a luat punctaj maxim la unul dintre examene si se pregateste pentru altul. Am incercat si alte variante inainte si au fost fara rezultat. Aici merge cu drag si a invatat foarte repede. Felicitari!!

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Cassia Zaharia
03 Nov 2020, 10:39

I always feel good and welcome here and I have a lot of fun while learning English and even things about life. I met a lot of people at this center and even if we never talked again, I have a lot of memories that will stay with me forever. Also, the teacher from here helped me in taking the Cambridge exam and I'm very thankful to her. I'm looking forward to learning more useful things and meeting more warm-hearted people. P.S.: the couch they have in the big hall is really comfortable :)

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Corina Matei
07 Sep 2020, 14:37

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value! Professional teaching methods, friendly atmosphere, good communication with students and parents, very good results.

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Alex Grajdeanu
Alex Grajdeanu despre Lexis 8.50
08 May 2020, 14:06

Lexis Scoli de Limbi Straine really set me up for success and have a common goal which is to always improve the way I express myself. This school is really diverse and did challenge me academically.

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Alina Comendant
17 Apr 2020, 19:48

Ma bucur ca am putut găsi in Ploiești profesor de limba italiana care sa predea adulților și cu care sa pot invata bazele limbii italiene in câteva ore. Am apreciat disponibilitatea centrului și a profesoarei in desfășurarea orelor in mod intensiv și abia astept sa ma reîntorc din toamna!

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